Bitumen 80/100 specification, Iran bitumen supplier

#Bitumen80/100 #specification:

Bitumen 80/100,
Today we are going to talk about #penetration bitumen 80/100. We know there are a few way for classification of bitumen. The two common test methods used to classification bitumen, and to designate the different grades, are the penetration value and the #softening_point. One method for classification of Bitumen is based on penetration value and in result there are many grades of penetration bitumen for e.g. bitumen 30/40, bitumen 60/70, bitumen 85/100, bitumen 40/50, bitumen 50/70 and etc.
Bitumen 80/100 is a grade of penetration bitumen that penetration of Bitumen 80/100 at 25 0C is 80 to 100 or 85 to 100 based on #ASTM D5 and maximum of drop-in penetration after heating is 20 percent based on ASTM D6805. Bitumen 80/100 is used as an important material in construction industry.
Ductility of Bitumen 80/100 at 25 0C is more than 100 cm based ASTM D113. A factor for specify the purity of Bitumen 80/100 is solubility in T.C.E, The solubility of Bitumen 80/100 is more than 99 WT%.
Softening point of this grade is 42 to 52 or 45 to 52 0C base on ASTM D36.
Other character that used for specification of bitumen is flash point, the Flash point value is important for safety. #Flash_point of this grade of bitumen is more than 225 0C based on ASTM D92. More details are presented in chart below.

Feedar Esfahan Company is able to packing penetration bitumen 80/100 with best quality, purity ansd cost for export.
Bitumen 80/100 specification
Everyone knows that The bitumen from #Iranian refineries has the best quality and purity for every application in construction industry. For more information about products of Feedar Esfahan Company you can visit this page. Also you can contact with us via contact page. We hope you find everything you are looking for on our site. If you have any questions or comments, please contact us via the Contact page on this website.